Adrian Shaughnessy’s inteview

Ronald Shakespear is a prolific graphic designer from Argentina. He founded Diseño Shakespear about half a century ago, specializing in corporate identity and wayfinding. He kindly agreed to be interviewed about his work and life, and provides a fascinating glimpse into the graphic design practice in Argentina.

You founded Diseño Shakespear 50 years ago. You must have been in your early twenties. What prompted you to start your own studio?

I worked in several agencies here, but I must say that I rejected advertising. So, as soon as I could, I started my first studio with Gonzalez Ruiz, my partner at the time. Later on, I founded Diseño Shakespear with my sons Lorenzo and Juan.
I am 71 now and I love design and photography and this is my way of living. I wake up early in the morning and start writing with the sound of Mozart. Nothing to do with prompting people to buy anything.
Never ask for permission is the title of the new book I’m working on. It is named after what Orson Welles told me when I visited him, without an appointment, in Madrid, near Juan Peron’s house. Then Orson invited me to the bull-fighting ring to see the last run of Curro Girón (who, after the fight, gave Orson the bull’s ears as a present). Unforgettable.
Back home, I went to visit Jorge Luis Borges for a photo session at his office in the National Library. There he was our national poet. I took my favourite shot ever. A privilege life gave to me.
Sign of Design: Memory of a Practice was my first book. It is not a book about theory. It is a reflection of a 50 year long path on the practice of design and a personal look into the urban scene and the way design influences the behaviour of people. Designers decipher the audience’s codes. Continuar leyendo «Adrian Shaughnessy’s inteview»

Aiap, Associazione Italiana Design della Comunicazione Visiva

Ronald Shakespear è stato Professore titolare della cattedra di Disegno FADU / UBA e Presidente di ADG, Asociación de Diseñadores Gráficos de Buenos Aires. Fonda il suo studio Diseño Shakespear 52 anni fa, studio che oggi dirige con il figlio Juan Shakespeare (DI Uba). Continuar leyendo «Aiap, Associazione Italiana Design della Comunicazione Visiva»

Shakespear: músculo y cabeza

Revista Barzón 26 – Diciembre 2012

Por Felisa Pinto
Foto: Facundo Zuviría

Conocí a Ronald Shakespear ( sin e), hace medio siglo, gracias a Carlos y Lala Mendez Mosquera, quienes venían de fundar Cicero Publicidad, en un piso de la torre de Florida y Paraguay. En ese ámbito sagrado del diseño y la gráfica excelsa, apareció Ronald vestido de conscripto, con borceguíes y birrete, a sus 18 años, signado por ideas libertarias, lecturas de Walt Whitman y carácter apasionado por contribuir a atemperar, algún día, la polución visual de los argentinos. Continuar leyendo «Shakespear: músculo y cabeza»

Robert Peters, ex Presidente de Icograda, publica un artículo sobre el libro Revisitando los Sesenta

2 November 2012

Ronald Shakespear | Revisiting the Sixties
Buenos Aires, Argentina

This week, a lovely little cloth-bound book of photographs arrived at my studio, Revisiting the Sixties by my long-time friend Ronald Shakespear. You can see more of his eclectic collection of images in an exhibit (PDF) here, or flip through the book online (via issuu) here.

Continuar leyendo «Robert Peters, ex Presidente de Icograda, publica un artículo sobre el libro Revisitando los Sesenta»

El resto es silencio

A lo largo de su carrera Ronald realizó alrededor de 1.600 proyectos de diseño, unos 200 para el ámbito público. Las calles de la Argentina llevan su firma invisible: desde la mano amarilla en la parada de taxis hasta el botón rojo de los subtes. Un creador de símbolos visuales enamorado de la palabra. 32 Pies lo visitó en su estudio.

Revista 32 Pies.-Puerto de la Música.
Por Fernando Avilés / Fotos: Xavier Martín

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Revisitando los setenta en Espacioarte